Ghosts Reality
  Shocking News - Real Ghost Caught on Camera

How We Become Ghost ?

It is usually happens that some of these subtle bodies become like a ghosts. On which basis they become ghost? What is a criteria or procedure to be ghosts. Here are a list of  factors which ghosts meet:

·  They are definitely subtle bodies.

·  They belong to the rear region (Bhuvaloka) or one of the seven regions of Hell but they are found on Earth region too. The reason of this is, ghost can travel to the more gross ones like Earth from the region they belong.

·  They never exist in the positive planes of the universe i.e. Heaven and above.

· They have some kind of desires that can not easily be ever fulfilled such that cravings for sex, alcohol (all the things that can only be experience through a physical body), revenge etc.

· They derive pleasure out of exerting control over and tormenting humans and other subtle bodies. Their first and foremost purpose is to bring any sort of unfair or unrighteousness in the society.

After the death of any person he/she will be called as a ghost if their characteristics and intentions match the above points. There is no special process as such which they go through to become a ghost.


What Happens After Death?

Created by Natasha Hayat - 2011